1. Copyright
All rights reserved by ABG LLC. ABG designs, to include the contents of this website are copyrighted. Copying this material to give or sell to others is prohibited by law.
2. ABG LLC has a no return policy.
3. Damage Claims for Shipped Items
ABG shipped items are packed for shipment with the utmost of care. Shipped merchandise met our rigid quality inspection standards and was delivered to our shippers in excellent condition.
All shipped ABG merchandise will be insured with the US Postal Service.
When you receive your ABG shipment:
- Inspect the shipment on receipt
- Report any shortage or damage to ABG immediately
- Save all packing material when damage is evident
- Photograph any damage to the exterior packaging and the item, and send photos to ABG
ABG will file any damage claim with the Post Office. Please keep all packaging and the damaged item, as the Post Office may contact you to pick up the damaged packing/item.
Once the claim is settled, ABG will work to expedite a replacement shipment as soon as possible.